Monday, July 6, 2009

Ummm... Hello?

Riiight... Remember when I was proud of blogging for several days straight? That clearly went to hell. BUT, trying to get back into it. I only have a few moments right now (totally owe someone a letter of recommendation...) but, as I haven't blogged for, what?, well over a month, there's a decent amount that I can randomly spurt out in just a few sentences!

Therefore, I give you, notable parts of my past month-and-a-half:
1. First food. Wait, no, that'll get its own post. I'll summarize it by saying: I ate a lot.
2. 5/25/09. Memorial Day was spent in S'ville with S, M1 and UJ. Mojitos, tons of food and sitting on a deck.
3. 5/30/09. We finally had our Nostalgia Party. Between the awesome prom dresses (see below!) and the photo albums and home videos (featuring M1 at the zoo, M3 cheering, UJ singing "I'm a Little Teapot," etc.,) it was a hilarious evening!
4. 6/7/09. There was the Week of Baseball. M3 and I got work tickets to a Sunday afternoon game, then we went to the Tuesday night Yankees game (which we won,) and then we went to a Diamondbacks game in Phoenix on Friday! Loved each and every game.
5. 6/12/09. I went to Phoenix! First time in Arizona. M3 was going to visit her sister, and M1, M2 and I tagged along... You know, across the country... Was a weekend full of food, hanging out, playing with sister's dogs, baseball, tubing - lots of fun!
6. 6/19/09. I had dinner with a high school friend. Not that this is incredibly noteworthy, but I hadn't seen Meredith in, literally, years, so it was cool to catch up with her.
7. 6/20/09. Then came Movie Week. So, I saw two movies in a week, not that notable, but I don't see movies that often, and we went to Cambridge, 1 before both. (Love that place. Possibly I go to movies because of Cambridge, 1.) Saw The Hangover - hilarious - and My Sister's Keeper - total chick flick, exactly what I was hoping for.
8. 6/25/09. I got an iPhone! Turning into a true Mac-lover. Certainly love my new phone. At least till I dropped it and broke it. Luckily, the lovely people at Apple replaced it without question! Winner!
9. 6/27/09. Pirate Ship! Last year, for M1's birthday, she organized an outing involving a pirate ship. Basically, you bring the drinks / food / whatever, and this ship totes your around Boston. Despite the mist and chilly weather, I had a blast!
10. 6/29/09. NEWEST. BIGGEST. TATTOO. I'm getting a half sleeve. I had the first three hours done last week, and I'm so frickin' excited about it. I'm going to save pictures for later, as it, frankly, looks unfinished (I actually have had a couple of people say "It's not done yet, right?",) but it's going to be awesome. Next appointment is in less than two weeks.
11. 7/3/09. Movie Day / BBQ. It was discovered that UJ hadn't seen Step Up, and I hadn't seen The Departed. We remedied this all in one afternoon, and then headed to the N. End for a BBQ with some of UJ's friends. Lovely.
12. 7/4/09. Happy Birthday, USA! Per usual, we went down to the Esplanade, convened with the masses. After finding our nice little spot in the grass, we broke out the sangria and food, played Hearts for a few hours, and just enjoyed the weather and people-watching.
13. 7/5/09. Happy Birthday, M1! Three-cubed! Woo! To celebrate, we picniced in the Public Gardens. Again, fabulous weather! (Knock on wood.) Everyone brought food, and, once again, I stuff myself. It was awesome.

Okay, that's the quick and dirty. Lots of food to come, as well as (hopefully) some interesting stories... Till then, just know I'm alive!


  1. 2, 3, 9, 12 & 13 were amazing! I heart UJ.

  2. Yay return of the blogging. Cause, you know, I don't talk to you multiple times a day and all...
