Saturday, November 14, 2009

Food, Part One (of Two)

So, it's been over two months. Almost three. Is there hope that I'll get back to doing this regularly? I CERTAINLY HOPE SO!

On a complete tangent, I've recently become addicted to, which has caused me to begin writing a bit like her. Basically, anytime I'm emphatic about anything, I note this by USING ALL CAPS and completely taking away any visual landscape. I apologize for this. Also, read her blog. She's hilarious. Or, at least look at the pictures of her dogs, they are freakin' adorable and hilarious.

Anyways. Clearly, I've eaten a lot of food in the past two-and-a-half months, but since I haven't updated on dinners since JUNE, I'm going to list the dinners (mainly for my own purpose, should I need to recreate them) and then go more into all the BAKING that I've done recently. So, without further ado, here's the special dinners (that I noted and / or can remember) from the past four months!

7/7/09 - Guacamole, Big Bowl of Mexican, Banana Chimichangas.
7/19/09 - (M3) Enchiladas.
8/11/09 - Gazpacho, Grilled Cheese, Peach Cobbler.
8/16/09 - (M3) Phyllo Pizzas, Orange-Cranberry Crepes.
8/23/09 - (M3) Guacamole, Polenta-Stuffed Peppers, Pineapple-Upside Down Cake.
8/25/09 - (Salads from the 101 List), Tofu Joy, Rootbeer Floats.
9/8/09 - Potato and Bacon Pizza, Chocolate-Peanut Butter Bread Pudding.
9/15/09 - Caesar Salad, Ravioli with Apples and Pecans, Oreo Panna Cotta.
9/20/09 - (M3) Caesar Salad, Garlic Bread, Mushroom and Sage Pasta.
9/21/09 - (S) Mashed Potatoes, some chicken dish (?), Cheese Puffs, Meringue. Probably so much more, but I can't remember!
9/22/09 - Home Fries, Banana Pancakes, French Toast.
10/4/09 - (M3) Mexican Wontons, Tortilla Soup, Peanut Butter Cookies.
10/6/09 - Ratatouille, Gnocchi, Apples with Caramel.
10/11/09 - (M3) Salad with Apple Vinaigrette, Roasted Asparagus and Potatoes, Butternut Squash Ravioli, Apple-Caramel Bread Pudding.
10/13/09 - Guacamole, Big Bowl of Mexican, Banana Chimichangas. (Sounds familiar...)
10/25/09 - (M1) Salad, Mashed Potatoes, Roasted Vegetables, Macaroni and Cheese, something chicken.
10/27/09 - Puffs Stuffed with Brie or Boursin, Gougeres, Pasta with Roasted Vegetables, Cream Puffs.
10/31/09 - (S) Gougeres with and without Butternut Squash, Focaccia Bread, two Risottos, Roasted Red Pepper Soup, Pumpkin-Orange-Cranberry Cookies, Coconut Crisps.
11/3/09 - Roasted Chickpeas, Tomato Soup, Grilled Cheese, Coconut Cream Pie.
11/8/09 - (M1) Salad, Roasted Vegetables, Rolls, Mashed Potatoes, Applesauce, meat from a crock pot, Cherry Pie.
11/10/09 - Guacamole, Black Bean Soup, Jalapeno-Cheddar Bread.

AND... That brings us to now! I'll follow (soon!) with a post on all the BAKING that has gone on recently... Really psyched!

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