Sunday, January 18, 2009

I Officially Have a Tattoo of a Chair

YES!  Today was lovely.  It began a little earlier than I prefer my Sundays to begin, but I woke up at 7am, completely wired for the day.  Luckily, there were breakfast / brunch plans, so I met M3 at the bus stop, and up to Cambridge we headed.  Lovely food and coffee at Crema Cafe, where I had only been once before.  And, of course, lovely conversation.

Then...  To Chameleon!  I'll save the story for another day, but I just couldn't wait to share a) the fact that S, fearer of all things pointy, got a tattoo, and b) the pictures of them!


[See earlier post for poster it came from.]

Short post, but I need to catch up a bit on sleep...


  1. Maybe you should get a stroller tattoo?

  2. A stroller was considered for a little while, actually. My love for the Maclaren Volo is deep!
