Thursday, April 23, 2009

"Are you going to get a new phone this summer?"

Last Saturday, M3, E, M2 and I went on a bar crawl - Bar Golf.  (That's another story.)

At the first bar, I went to text M2 quickly, to figure out where she was.  As I was putting my phone away, M3 asked me if I was planning on getting a new phone over the summer.  (M3 and I have the same phone, which we got weeks apart, so she figured my contract was coming to an end.)  I replied that, yes, I'd definitely be looking into a new phone, contract, supplier, I wasn't sure, but definitely a new phone.

Minutes later, M3 and E both had their phones out, texting or something.  (Does this happen to anyone else?  Everyone around you is checking their phone, texting, etc. and you have absolutely nothing to do on your phone.  But you pull it out anyways.)  To not feel left out, I pulled out my phone, too.

And promptly dropped it.

I've almost never dropped my phone before (mostly because I rarely use my phone.)  M3 said no worries, just pop out the battery, stick it back in, all would be fine.

Nope.  Screen was completely blank.

After repeating this a few times, M3 turned to me and said, "When I asked you if you were getting a new phone over the summer, I really meant 'tomorrow.'"

After a brief dilemma (do I break down and get my lusted-after iPhone?,) I eventually decided to finish out my contract with Sprint and then go month-to-month till the next iPhone version comes out.

My new phone?  The Samsung Rant.  So far, I'm mostly loving it.  Given that I hate talking on the phone but enjoy texting, the key pad is the best thing that's happened to my phone since... well, since I got a phone.  (Note: As with the camera, I'm not asking for a lot out of my electronics.  Can it text?  Yes.  Awesome.)  I was able to get Tetris on the new phone without paying again, which was awesome, and I got some sa-weet ringtones ("Yeah!" and something by A R Rahman, my new obsession.)  I neglected to read reviews before buying the phone, but I've definitely noticed some issues with freezing, even after only a few days.  I'm going to see how things go in the next week, but I've got thirty days to exchange it, so I'm not chained down (yet.)  That being said, I've never been chained to my phone, so freezing once in the while isn't the end of the world!

Still lusting after the iPhone...  Soon...


  1. I knew I shouldn't have signed a new 2 year Sprint Contract so quickly. I want an iPhone too -J
