Thursday, April 23, 2009

Free Time... What to Babble About???

So...  This week, most of my friends have out-of-town things going on...  Which leaves me alone with lots of free time...  Which is strange, as, for the past month or so, I've had plans probably five of the seven nights of the week (at least.)

I realized that I have a free night.  I'm mostly caught up with my DVR, so I thought I could write a little about... something.  But what?  My blogs till now have been about strollers (yeah, I gave up on that,) FOOD or quick notes that were inspired by events in my life.  (coughdogpeemancough.)

But NOW.  I said forever ago that I'd babble on about my new(ish) camera.  And maybe my new phone, too.  Gadgets galore!

SO, I got the new camera three months ago.  I originally wanted a DSLR, but then I walked into a Best Buy and saw this:
Not going to lie.  Sometimes I buy things because of how they look.

It's beautiful.  Less than half an inch deep, completely sleek.  The entire back of the camera is the viewing screen...  Which is a TOUCH SCREEN.  So far, the battery hasn't died, the flash works, the screen is huge, the memory hasn't been full...  And, did I mention?, it's beautiful.

My one complaint is that it has a weird thing with light.  It tends to wash out pictures a bit, especially if the picture's taken by a light or a window in daylight.  I'm kind of betting this is something that I can adjust with settings.  That, however, would involve reading the User's Manual.  Ack!  (So, if anyone knows anything about this camera, advice, please!)

Long story short: I love the camera, but I'm not asking for a whole lot.

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