Sunday, March 1, 2009

The Best Saturday Since... Awhile

Yesterday, I became a brunette:
(Please excuse the red eye.  I lack photo-altering software on my new computer, apparently.  Should look into that.)  So far, loving it.  It's darker than I anticipated, and I look slightly vampire-ish when my hair's wet, but it's fun!  And, frankly, it's just hair.  If I don't like it, can change it again in a month or whenever.

Pre-hair cuts, M3 and I went to Chipotle, which is delicious.  Unfortunately, we went so early that they didn't have any guacamole yet.  I was more distressed by the fact that they didn't offer up anything after the "We don't have guacamole yet."  I was seriously just completely ignored for a couple of minutes.  However, they suggested I get salsa instead (which was already my contingency plan,) and then gave it to me for free!  Phew, Chipotle and I remain on good terms.

We then made a brief Target run.  Nothing exciting this time, just general necessities.  Definitely was nice to get them in bulk from Target, rather than paying Shaw's prices for shaving gel and dog food...

Not too much later, it was time to begin the evening!  Last summer, M1, S, E and I went to Sauciety for Restaurant Week (which is happening again later in the month!)  It was, I believe, my favourite meal ever.  That's a lofty claim, but everything about it was fabulous.  Sauciety's (pronounced "society") thing is that they make food, and then you dip everything in sauces.  There were, I believe, twelve sauce choices for the main part of the meal, and then three sauces came with bread.

We started out with wine, and then they bring bread - regular rolls, cranberry-walnut rolls, flat crispy sheets, and little breadsticks.  Three sauces came with the bread - a delicious basil-garlic sauce (my favourite for the breads,) an artichoke sauce and a roasted red pepper sauce.

For the main course, I got grilled vegetable skewers (eggplant, peppers, onions)...  And sauces.  My favourite sauces were the green peppercorn-black trumpet mushroom, chimichurri and the roasted red pepper romesco.  The latter was fabulous with the sweet potato wedges.  We also got asparagus, mashed potatoes, broccolinis and sea salt fries:
(My friends got some assortment of steak, crab cakes and swordfish.  All we delighted.)  After the food was gone, I proceeded to sop up the sauces with more bread...  Mmmm...

Ummm, and then we had dessert.  Possibly, the only upsetting part of the dinner was that there was a list of dessert sauces...  But they didn't actually have these.  However, the desserts alone were absolutely delicious.  We had cheesecake and a creme brulee trio.  (My cheesecake was better.)  The creme brulee trio was awesome.  There was vanilla, chocolate and Bailey's.  Yum!  Yet another reminder that there is always room for dessert.

After that, it was off to a "Plus One" party.  Not SOs...  Just "bring someone not on the invite list."  Idea was to meet new people.  As we all know, I'm generally more likely to chat with my friends than socialize, but I did talk to a few new people.  Generally, I thought it was a great idea.  Nothing incredibly noteworthy to tell, though.

Sassy new hair, one of the best meals ever, good friends...  Great Saturday.

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