So, I just went to upload my pictures so that I could ramble on about food for a bit... And I discovered pictures of other events from the past couple of weeks! It was a nice reminder that I do things (possibly) worthy of pictures other than eat...
That being said, on to the food! (There is a lot of it.)
Sunday, March 29th

"Big Bowl of Mexican." This is officially one of my new favourites. I believe M3 created this after returning from Mexico and missing all of the flavours... So, she just put everything into a bowl. It was / is spicy and delicious!
As I clearly got this "recipe" (it's a bit of a make-it-up-yourself thing!) I shall share:
- Corn, sauted in lime juice, with chili powder and cumin and garlic and a bit of olive oil
- black beans (with jalapenos - Ortega does a can of these)
- Rotel, lime and cilantro (this salsa-type thing)
- rice
... Mix altogether, heat, eat! Actually, heat up a tortilla to eat it with. And, you know me, add some guacamole!
[I'm pretty sure there was a dessert - M3 always does dessert - but I don't have a picture, and I can't remember!]
Tuesday, March 31st
Eggplant parmesan, garlic bread. This was my night, and I was trying to do something that I hadn't done before... I'm not sure that my friends were that excited about eggplant, but they at least pretended to be happy! And I thought it was great!
I used
this recipe. Slight alterations: I only used two eggplants. Sweat the eggplant before making (coat in salt, let drain for ~30 minutes, rinse in cold water.) I baked the eggplants for 10 minutes / side. Go! Enjoy!
Thursday, April 2nd
Rice and veggies. More importantly: scorpion bowls. M1 started with the idea of fruit salad, which lead to scorpion bowls, which lead to (sorry, I forget) some Asian-inspired sauce with rice and veggies. Yum!
M1 decided that scorpion bowls should be her signature drink. Which I am all for. This evening, we made them according to this "recipe":
1 part rum
1 part Malibu
1 part vodka
3 parts Orange-Mango-Pineapple juice
maraschino cherries!
We decided that the 1 part alcohol:1 part juice was a bit strong, so we splashed a bit more juice in there... Delicious!
Sunday, April 5th

Guacamole, enchiladas. M3 made enchiladas, as she did in our very
first family dinner. (Let's all take a moment to reminisce.) Awww...
Cheese and tortillas and chilis and spicy goodness!
Again, I'm sure there was a dessert, but I can't think of what it was to save my life!
Tuesday, April 7th
Lasagna, garlic bread. Following in M3's footsteps (and by request from KJ,) I made lasagna, as I did in week one.
Also, I made garlic bread. But, differently. By "differently," I mean "I bought frozen Texas Toast. It was a bit sacrilegious - I've almost always made my own garlic bread! But, having been fed and REALLY enjoying Texas Toast, I broke down and made it myself. And I'm just happy that I did. It was delicious.
Tuesday, April 14th

Black bean burgers, potato wedges. Haha, this was another one that I told my friends about, and there was a slight hesitation before the "That sounds good!" Putting vegetarian options on meat-eaters is, understandably, not always that exciting. But I think they like it!!!
Here's the recipe I used:
Homemade Black Bean Veggie Burgers. And, the slight changes I made (all based on the reviews): Rinse and dry black beans before mashing. I squeezed the moisture out of the onion-pepper-garlic puree through coffee filters. I doubled the recipe, except I used three eggs... And I added more chili powder. Also, I found that they needed a little longer than 10 minutes / side in the oven.
I found these delicious - and, possibly the best part - they freeze great, so I've had them for leftovers a couple of times since, and still have a few more!
That's all on food for now... And I haven't covered Passover and Easter! (What can I say, it was a religion-filled weekend...)