Monday, February 23, 2009

Oh, bother!

I love my dog.  He is hilarious and (mostly) well-behaved and a true joy in my life.

But sometimes...

I came home today to find the floor of my apartment covered in diarrhea.  Arg.

As much as I want to complain, though, I know Code didn't mean to be sick in the apartment.  It's truly only when he can't not that accidents happen.  And he always feels so bad, moping around while I'm cleaning up.  He went straight to his crate when I brought him in from our walk...  Really feel bad for the guy.  Fingers crossed he's feeling better.  [He's currently curled up at my feet, looking as angelic as can be.]  Wouldn't give him up for the world!

Plus, there's only so much I can complain, as I treated myself to pizza from the Upper Crust once the clean-up was done...

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