Thursday, January 29, 2009

Au Revoir, Russell Thomas!

My apartment recently had an unwelcome visitor.  He was a little mouse.

One day, roommate S said to me, "I think we keep the place pretty clean, but...  I saw a mouse a few nights ago."  Roommate S is much more of a night owl than myself, so she spent many a late night hearing his "rustling."

After S told us about him, roommate K and I were watching television one night.  She startled and said, "Did you hear that?!?!"  I hadn't, but I went right to investigate.  After freaking out - may I remind you there was a mouse behind our microwave - I went to try and catch him.  And failed.  Miserably.  After chatting with K about what we should do, both of us came to the conclusion that we should name him.  Obviously.  K picked out "Thomas."

Upon discussing Thomas with S, we discovered she, too, had named him - Russell.  "Because he rustles!"  Hence, Russell Thomas.

I bought (humane) mouse traps, and set those up, probably a week ago.  After a few false trappings (probably it just got hit,) this morning I heard him.  Picking up the trap, I knew Russell Thomas was in there!

While this was exciting (as no one really wants a mouse around,) I then had to figure out what to do with him.  I wasn't going to outright kill him.  I considered throwing him in the trash, but that seemed really mean - he'd die, and slowly.  I wanted to release him, but I was really worried that someone would yell at me.  I mean, we didn't want a mouse in our apartment, others probably didn't want one being released outside of theirs.

Too bad.  That's what I ended up doing.

So, Russell Thomas, we wish you the best, but please don't return.  Pass the message along to your friends!

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