Thursday, January 15, 2009

[No Title.]

I sat for a few moments trying to think of some sort of clever title.  And then realized I had more to ramble about and should just get on with it!

I work in what is probably one of the nerdiest groups at my company.  We embrace the nerdiness.  Today, in a little afternoon break, one of my coworkers sent around a little brain-teaser.  I can't find the exact image (and I'm not sure what image program I have on this new computer,) so I'm going to do my best to recreate it.
In the above image, the triangle is an equilateral triangle.  The length of each of its sides is 6.  What is the radius of the circle?


Wait, no one else cares?

Well, it provided a bit of amusement for us.  And then someone sent around a "Japanese IQ Test."  I highly suggest you try this.  It's not that incredibly hard, but definitely addicting.  And a little messed up - be sure to read the rules, but the parents beat the kids if left in the wrong combinations!  (Messed up, funny, I go back and forth.)

We did get lots of work done, though!  Really!

Mostly, it was nice to have a bit of a lighter day after yesterday.  And, thank goodness, tomorrow is Friday.  And Friday is game night at M1's!


  1. My IQ must be very low, as I can't get anyone across the river without someone being beaten...

  2. Well, that's entertaining at least then ;)
