Today, I chose my stroller. Mainly because I forgot to run the random number generator on my stroller list at work...

This stroller is new to the world in 2009, with a slight alteration on the original Quinny Buzz, which has three wheels. The more the better?
Basic Stats: Includes stroller, adapters (for Maxi-Cosi Mico Car Seat,)bug net, rain shield, removable seat pad. Adjustable handlebar. Two-position, reclining seat. Reversible seat. Rear wheel suspension. Adjustable footrest. Awesome unfolding technology, using gas springs to automatically unfold. Scotchgard-protected foam seat. Suitable from 6 months; suitable from birth with use of Dreami Bassinet. Available in four colors. Weighs 26 lbs., and will carry up to 40 lbs.
Who Drives These: I see these strolling around the streets of Boston fairly regularly these days. (Actually, that's a total lie. I've never seen this 4-wheel version in the wild. I'm on the lookout! But, to group the Buzz 4 in with the Buzz 3 is not too big of a leap.) I associate this stroller with chic, hip parents. Chic, hip daddies, actually. With the cool unfolding mechanism, I can't help but wonder if it was a dad out there that wanted to add a little wow-factor to his stroller...
What I Think: This stroller is definitely in my top ten for "general strollers" (ie, not lightweight, not jogging.) I swing back and forth almost monthly on how much I love it. It's definitely cool-looking, and it's definitely got some cool features. I like the fact that Quinny came out with a four-wheel version of this, and the three-wheeled one always looked a little precarious to me. However, I don't like the new colours. 2008 colours included my favourite - orange! 2009? Black (classic, I know, but unexciting,) "Strawberry" (an ugly red-pink,) "Apple" (more of an olive green) and Gold (which is the most exciting colour, and a little on the daring side. How many yellow strollers do you see around?) Regardless, I miss the orange.
Overall Verdict: Luckily, I don't have a child yet, and can therefore hold out in the hopes that Quinny rethinks their colours on this stroller, truly bringing it into the running for me! At $629.99 (see here,) it's not cheap, but not too ridiculous either. (Cool unfolding feature!) (Oh, of course there's a video of the stroller. The lady is British, so that's fun. It is a long video - the cool unfolding happens right at the end, I suggest fast-forwarding...)
And... That's it for this stroller!
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