Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Drop the Chalupa (!) (?)

Today is my friend's S's birthday.  (Happy 27th!)  It was a delightful evening, full of joy!

After consuming some delicious Thai food (from Lemon Thai, my favourite Boston-area Thai place,) we chatted for awhile, and then decided it was game time.

And by "game time," I mean literally that.  It was time to play a game.

The game du jour?  Catch Phrase!  I had never played this before, but it's similar to Taboo, in that you are trying to get other people to say a word or phrase.  Unlike Taboo, some of the "phrases" are a little more obscure.

We had "Swiss Alps."  We had "Numero Uno."  We had "Budget Cuts" and "Tom Brokaw."  But then:
Drop the Chalupa.

This was something I was supposed to get my friends to say.  A) I've never heard that
 before.  B) I'm not entirely sure what a chalupa even is, so how am I supposed to get my friends to say it?  So, I just busted out laughing and said it aloud.  This prompted theories of some stoned guy planning the electronic game having a roommate (named Frank) who worked at Taco Bell.  (Thanks, M1!)  All in all, absolutely hilarious.  (Perhaps less so in the retelling, but...)

I did get curious, though.  According to Urban Dictionary, "drop the chalupa" has two meanings:
1.  Give birth
2.  Take a large, ahem, dump (especially, and I quote, after consuming f
ood from Taco Bell)

And... I think that makes me done for the night!

Happy Birthday, S!  Inspiration:

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